High Schools: An important choice

Y8 orientation

Our Secondary teacher, Ms. Fleming, tells us what the "Personal Social Health and Economics (PSHE)" subject is about and how the Year 8 students have prepared themselves to choose the right High School.


The third year of middle school is an extremely important year, as it signifies an important transition: from a child to a young adult. To help guide our students through this year of transition here at Chatterbox Middle School we teach a subject called Personal Social Health and Economics (PSHE). We focus on important subjects such as bullying, being assertive, feelings and emotions, our communitites, taking risks, and making decisions (just to name a few). This subject is an opportunity for students to reflect upon themselves individually and as a part of a community, and to help them to make good decisions about their future. In this year of the COVID epidemic, it has been extremely helpful for the students to have a platform to express their feelings and frustration and to ask questions.

In the past few weeks we focused on choosing the right High School. There are many diverse options of High School in Cagliari and at Chatterbox we gave the students the opportunity to tour many schools, both virtually and in person. We have now finished the virtual tours and presentetions from the following High Schools, Convitto Nazionale (Liceo Classico, Liceo Classico Europeo, Liceo Scientifico Sportivo e Liceo Scientifico Internazionale), Dettori (Liceo classico), Eleonora D’Arborea (Liceo Linguistico, Umanistico, Socio-economico) and Michelangelo (Liceo Scientifico), and the pupils all made their choices.

Throughout the online presentations I have been very impressed with the conduct of Year 8. They have participated by asking many questions and always have shown their appreciation to the school presenting at the end. They have also been extremely patient when we have occasionally had technical difficulties!

I wish all of them the best for the choices they have made.

Jessica Fleming

Credits: Batmad.it