Chatterbox International Students


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🇬🇧 Many parents interested in enrolling their children at our school ask us if, since Chatterbox is located in Cagliari, the students are all Sardinian...

The answer is no! Our institute, as it offers an international education, attracts families from all over the world and we currently host several foreign students. Their precious presence contributes to the realization of our goal of educating our children to become citizens of the world. 🌍

Some of them tell us what it's like to be a Chatterbox international student in this video!

🙏 Many thanks to the students and their families who shared their experience with us!

#chatterboxschool #internationalschoolcagliari #englishschoolcagliari #cambridgeinternationalschool #scuolainglesecagliari #scuolainternazionalecagliari
