
Movers activity science10


Children can be admitted to Playschool from the age of 3.

The playschool follows the child’s development from the age of 3 to 5 years. Here, children will learn to socialise, share, begin to take responsibility for their actions and assert their needs. They will learn from their favourite games and activities, starting to play with word sounds and numbers.

The main objective which we pursue is the child’s achievement of their autonomy and self-confidence.

Staff facilitate a broad range of experiences, based on themes or contexts, in consultation with the children, following their interests and choices. These include soft introductions to : languages, maths, expressive arts, physical education, social subjects, science, health and well-being. The teaching is delivered in bright, engaging spaces and using a style of investigation, discovery and a range of types of experiences, inside and outside, and using a wide choice of natural and man-made resources.

We encourage good manners, thinking of others, and working together in a happy, relaxed atmosphere. Skills are progressed, such as hand-eye coordination, manual dexterity, movement and organisation.

The concept of achieving and enjoying success, following effort and persistence, starts early on, allowing the children to begin to understand their place and value in the world. Children with healthy self-esteem tend to enjoy interacting with others. They are at ease in social situations, they enjoy group and individual activities. If problems arise, they are able to work on finding solutions whilst respecting themselves or others.

Chatterbox staff will make sure that every child is immersed in a happy, language-rich environment, where they are encouraged, and are given time, to express themselves.

In partnership with parents, we work to allow your child to explore and progress in their learning journey, inside and outside of Playschool.



Chatterbox Playschool enrolment requests (Movers)

criteria for the acceptance of applications with the following order of priority:

  • Children born by 31 December of the year in which attendance begins;
  • Children from the Starters Chatterbox Section ;
  • Siblings of children already included in the Chatterbox circuit;
  • Children of one or both parents who are native English speakers;
  • Children from recognized International English schools.
Playschool routine

07:45 – 09:30 Start Up

9.30 – 10.00 Group activity: Circle time and fruit snack

10:00 – 12:00 Group activity for sections/small groups

12:00 Lunch

13:00 – 15:00 Group activities

16:00 Pick up


16:00 – 17:00 After school club


For any questions regarding the school, please feel free to get in contact with us!

Playschool -  Viale la Plaia 11, Cagliari

Our secretary is available from 10-14 Monday to Friday.

(+39) 070 68 48 551
