New year, new office

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🎉 Happy new year, everyone!

📢 We're starting off with important news, as we have moved to a bigger office that can host all the new projects which will be coming soon at Chatterbox!

👀 Keep your eyes peeled for some exciting new initiatives and we'll see you from Monday at our new headquarters in via Tempio 27, next to the Lybis bookshop, with the usual working hours Mon-Thu 8AM - 6PM and Fri 8AM-4PM.

Enjoy the rest of your holidays, we can't wait to see you again! 🤗

#chatterboxschool #internationalschoolcagliari #englishschoolcagliari #cambridgeinternationalschool #scuolainternazionalecagliari #scuolainglesecagliari
