Safety within our school

WhatsApp Image 2020 12 20 at 10

We are improving the safety within our school

What measures are we taking to improve the safety within our school continuously?
Among other things we have purchased a new device for the sanitisation treatment of our
premises from Covid 19: the professional ozone generator GPF 8008. Ozone is recognised by
the Ministry of Health and the WHO as a powerful sterilising and disinfectant agent.
According to many studies and scientific research, this potent natural gas represents the
most effective solution for the disinfection of environments contaminated by the new Sars-
CoV-2 coronavirus.
Ministry of Health, Protocol n. 24482 of the 31/07/1996
ISS COVIS-19 Report – n. 56/2020
Focus on: professional use of ozone also in reference to COVID-19
Working group ISS-INAIL
Version of the 23 rd July 2020
