A good sleeping routine for children


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Did you know that sleeping is essential for children’s development? You didn’t? Well then, let’s start talking about it:

Why is sleep so important for children?

  1. During sleep most of children’s cognitive development takes place. While they sleep the brain not only sorts and stores all information collected during the day, but it also enhances learning and strengthens memory, concentration and attention.
  2. During sleep we also build our immune system as we produce proteins that help us prevent certain illnesses and infections.
  3. Sleep also produces the growth hormone.
  4. Furthermore, while we sleep we get rid of all the toxins that we produce during the day that we don’t need.

How many hours should children sleep?

  • Newborn babies should sleep 16/17 hours a day during their very first weeks of life. They will then go down to 15 when they are 6 months old.
  • One year old children should sleep 14 hours a day, which will go down to 13 for 2 year olds and 12 for 3 year olds. 
  • From age 6 onwards children should sleep 11 hours per night.
  • From age 10, 9 hours per night is sufficient.

However, every parent knows that is not always easy to stick to these times. So, what can we do to make sure that we provide our kids with the right amount of rest hours?

First of all, it is essential to create an effective sleeping routine. Here is some advice:

  • Try to always go to sleep in the same place and at the same time.
  • Create an evening bedtime routine that can help your child to relax; for example by reading a story or taking a hot bath.
  • The environment where your child is going to sleep should be as calm as possible and distractions should be slowly reduced. 
  • Do not expose your child to the light of electronic devices before bed time.
  • Avoid energizing drinks.
  • Avoid exciting activities in the run up to bed time (like running or energetic games).

It is, also, essential to teach children to sleep in their own bed as early as possible (from 6 months old) as this encourages them to learn how to fall asleep on their own in case they wake up during the night. Very often children wake up during the night and look for their parents attention in order to fall asleep. This is perfectly normal and it is advisable not to tell them off but just to bring them patiently back to their own room.

Last, but not least, what are the negative effects caused by the lack of sleep?

The lack of sleep not only has a very bad influence on the child’s learning development but it also affects his/her mental and physical health. Children who do not get enough sleep are more likely to develop hyperactivity or other learning disorders.








Credits: Batmad.it