Un Sampietrino Dorato - A golden cobblestone


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An extraordinary moment of knowledge and growth for the Year 5 and Secondary pupils, included in the civic education planning, took place last week.

A beautiful initiative on the theme of Remembrance, organized in collaboration with ISTASAC, the Institute for the History of Anti-Fascism and the Contemporary Age in Central Sardinia, an Institute that has been spreading awarness of the events relating to the deportation during World War II for many years.

After an initial speech by Professor Marina Moncelsi, who illustrated the methodology adopted by the fascist propaganda which then merged into the Italian racial laws, we had the opportunity to meet a very special guest, Mr. Nando Tagliacozzo, who, with great lucidity and passion, told us about the vicissitudes of his family starting from 1943, following the roundup of the Rome ghetto. Mr. Nando was 5 years old at the time.

The story of Mr. Nando, very emotional and full of food for thought, talked of children and adults from a normal Italian Jewish family, whose fate was inevitably and cruelly shaped by the facts related to the Holocaust that we all know.

All the members of the Tagliacozzo family and their individual stories aroused the pupils’ interest, and they actively participated in the debate with great curiosity, asking questions and making observations that were even quite complex for their age group.

Luca Esposito also attended the event in person. He is the young author of the comic book "A Sampietrino Dorato", inspired by the story of Mr. Nando, from which the animated video of the same name was also taken. We had the pleasure of watching it during the event and it can be found online at https://fb.watch/jnVTMGA7IA/

Given the historical and human importance of the testimony of Mr. Nando Tagliacozzo, we strongly recommend the reading of the book "A Sampietrino Dorato" by Luca Esposito by adults, young people and children.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Giovanni Poggiu, one of our parents, who put us in touch with Professor Moncelsi so we were able to organise this wonderful event, which will remain one of the most beautiful ever held at school.


Credits: Batmad.it