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summer activities at Chatterbox

Summer at Chatterbox


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For many families, it is important to have the chance to enrol their children in leisure activities even during the Summer for both working reasons, but also as to ensure that they get worthwhile and stimulating activities after a long and busy school year.

sergio boggia 02

Story of a Chatterbox family


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We are pleased to introduce you to Sergio, the father of one of our students who, after completing a seven-year journey with us, is about to start a new adventure abroad.

Sergio and his wife were kind enough to share their invaluable perspective with us on their child's growth and development during their time at Chatterbox, from Playschool to Year 5, drawing conclusions on their experience and sharing their achievements, challenges and successes.

mindfulness at school

Mindfulness classes


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In the past months, thanks to Mr. Marco, we have introduced "mindfulness" sessions into the Reception class program, a practice of oriental origin that many of you will surely have heard of.
